Thank you all for your attendance and your support the last couple of years.
We are back! We are scheduled to play three concerts at Como Park Pavilion this year. Mark your calendars for the following days.
Sunday, June 16 2024, 3-4:30 pm
Our opening concert.
Thursday July 4, 2024, 3-4:30 pm
Our regular 4th of July celebration.
Sunday, August 11, 2024, 3-4:30 pm
This is our traditional fundraiser.
We want to thank all of you who supported us this summer. We enjoy playing our music for you on Sunday afternoons. We hope to be back next year to delight you with more music in June, July 4, and August. Jim ten Bensel and the Como Pops Ensemble
About the Como Pops Ensemble
2024, marks the 72nd year the Como Pops Ensemble has entertained families
and senior citizens at Como Park Lakeside Pavilion, on Sundays during the
summer months. Admission is always free.
The “Pops” ensemble is a concert band of professional musicians who
are members of the Local Union 30-73 of the American Federation of Musicians. Union professionals liven up Orchestra Hall, Ordway Center, Children’s Theatre, SPCO Center, and Chanhassen Dinner Theatre, other theaters, the Vikings,
Twins, and other sports events but most important park concerts!
We are striving to enhance our heritage of good music and cultural excellence
by supporting the programming, performance and continuing development of
the Como Pops Ensemble.
We continue to work on raising more funds this fall by way of individual donations, grants, and sponsorships. The ensemble hopes to be able to provide as many concerts as possible this year with the full 24-piece band. If the full ensemble is
not possible, the Como Pops Ensemble will continue to provide music concerts during eh summer with smaller ensembles.
The Como Pops Ensemble is now sponsored project by Springboard for the Arts, a nonprofit arts service organization.
Each year, they hold an annual concert on a Sunday in August, the musicians donate their time to give an extra concert celebrating music in the parks and to raise funds for the continuation of these concerts. We hope we can count on your support. Checks can be made out to Springboard for the Arts, and are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Make sure to put Como Pops in the memo line.
All donations will be listed in the program with the exception of those wishing to be an anonymous donation.
For further information please contact:

Jim ten Bensel at 612.926.3708 (home) or 612.802.1410 (cell)

Minneapolis, MN 55416-4343